Applications for 2019 are closed!

How to apply?

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual. There is no “How To” guide. You just have to figure things out as you go, learn from your experiences, and grow.

It’s for this reason we’re not going to give you a long list of questions to answer, or some multi-page application.

All we ask is that you make a video. We’re not going to tell you what to say, how long it needs to be, or what information you need to cover. No instructions. That’s life.

This is your chance to persuade us that you’re a good fit for this event.

So just be real. Remember, Simon and Viktorija are personally reviewing potentially thousands of other videos. Demonstrate to us why we should accept YOU, and not someone else. No rules. No guidebook.

What to do:


Record a video of yourself, keeping what you’ve read above in mind.​


Upload your video to the Internet. We don’t care where… and if you want to password protect it, or make it private, that’s fine. Just make sure we can see it. Every year, hundreds of people don’t get accepted because they’ve made their videos inaccessible and we’re unable to watch their application.​


Fill out our application form and make sure to include your full name, age, country of citizenship(s), and country of residence (we need this information for visa purposes).


Who should (and shouldn't) apply

Each year we receive countless applications from people all over the world, in all age ranges and all walks of life.

First and foremost, we don’t really have an age limit.

The average attendee is probably between 25-31, but we have had attendees in the past from age 17 to 45.

We do call this a ‘youth’ camp. Youth, like entrepreneurship, is a state of mind.

Often the older we get, the more we accumulate financial and mental anchors which keep us tethered to the status quo.

To us, ‘youth’ means that you’re free enough, nimble enough, and flexible enough to take action… and that your mind is pliable enough to be able to discard old ways of thinking and adopt new ones.

Second, we don’t care where you’re from.

Past attendees have ranged from places like Zimbabwe, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, and Nigeria… along with China, Russia, Canada, the US, Australia, and all over Europe.

Third, we don’t care in which stage you are.

Each year it’s common for us to have dozens of students who have already built very successful businesses.

And we LOVE to see that. Even if you have already achieved success, we can guarantee that you’ll learn a TON, and it will be a great opportunity for you to share your own lessons with others.

We also have people who are just starting off and trying to figure out how to turn their idea into a business.

We have students who aren’t interested in starting a business at all, and occasionally some who need inspiration.

Remember, entrepreneurship is fundamentally about creating value.

And anyone can do that, whether you have a job, work at a startup or non-profit, or are an artist.

Entrepreneurship is a state of mind.

We don’t care about where you’re from, your educational background, or what you’ve accomplished so far.

We’re interested in your direction. Your drive. Your willingness to take action. Your ability to be completely ruthless with your own self-assessment and kick your own self in the ass.

So if you don’t have those qualities, please do not apply.

We’re interested in investing in driven people who want to create real value, solve real problems, and do amazing things that actually matter.

If that sounds like you, then apply to this camp for a life-changing experience.

This camp probably isn't for you if:

  • If all you aspire to is travel and leisure, this camp is not for you.
  • If you're terrified that you don't have enough saved for retirement and want to build up your nest egg, this camp is not for you.
  • If all you're looking for is the latest internet marketing hack, this camp is not for you.
  • If all you want to do is learn how to generate passive income so that you can go chill out somewhere, please don't waste your time or ours. This camp is not for you.

Fill out the form below to apply to
Blacksmith Liberty & Entrepreneurship Camp 2019

The application deadline is March 31, 2019


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* All you will ever receive is updates about the camp, reminders for the application and infrequent blog posts.


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* All you will ever receive is updates about the camp, reminders for the application and infrequent blog posts.
