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The Business of Rocket Science is not rocket science

Long, long ago in a lifetime that feels far, far away, I worked briefly as a consultant. It was back in 2004/2005 as I was getting out of the Army sitting on a bunch of income-producing real estate (and pile of cash that seemed enormous for me at the time). I didn’t really have the

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Be honest: what ACTIONS are you taking?

OK, so let’s go back to the cruise I was talking about in the last article. [Synopsis: I just spent a week at sea speaking at an investment conference with Robert Kiyosaki, the highlight of which was an entrepreneurship mini-camp where he and I mentored a few dozen young adults.] The evening after the entrepreneurship

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In defense of being an employee

Last week I was on a cruise ship sailing around the Caribbean with some really amazing people. Believe it or not it wasn’t vacation. I was speaking at an investment conference. At first glance it seems pretty lame to hold an investment conference on a cruise ship that’s sailing around the Caribbean… but it’s actually

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No, you’re not the CEO of your company

“CEO” may be the most misused title in business… especially small businesses. I get it; it’s a status thing. “CEO” sounds important, and there’s a tendency to use that title so that we seem bigger to the people we want to do business with. Or maybe to impress our friends. But, by definition, you cannot

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Value Creation is a SKILL. Learn it.

I’ve always been a big believer in entrepreneurship. But not in the sense that most people think of that word. My dictionary defines “entrepreneur” as “a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” I think this definition is totally wrong. Entrepreneurship doesn’t have

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The single biggest cost of the Digital Nomad lifestyle

One of our alumni recently visited our offices in Santiago, Chile. It was great to see her and catch up- I’m always so happy when I hear from former Blacksmith attendees. She explained that she was roaming around the world, traveling from country to country, and working “wherever she had an Internet connection.” My response,

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* All you will ever receive is updates about the camp, reminders for the application and infrequent blog posts.
