Be honest: what ACTIONS are you taking?

OK, so let’s go back to the cruise I was talking about in the last article.

[Synopsis: I just spent a week at sea speaking at an investment conference with Robert Kiyosaki, the highlight of which was an entrepreneurship mini-camp where he and I mentored a few dozen young adults.]

The evening after the entrepreneurship session, I specifically requested dinner seating with a bunch of the young adults who attended the workshop.

And when everyone assembled for dinner that night, I thought we’d have a little fun and play what I call the ‘Pepsi Challenge’.

If you’re too young to remember this, Pepsi launched a big campaign in the early 80s conducting blind taste tests across America to see if people preferred Coke or Pepsi.

According to the results based on the study conducted and funded by Pepsi, more people preferred Pepsi. Shocker.

Anyhow they called it the Pepsi Challenge.

We did the same thing with wine. We ordered a ~$1,000 bottle of wine, and a $50 bottle of wine, to see if anyone could tell the difference.

Only a few people did. Lesson: most wine pricing is bullshit. It’s all in the marketing.

Afterwards we had a long chat about the camp. These guys were so fired up after the entrepreneurship session the previous day, and there was a ton of excitement to attend.

So I said, “well, look, the application deadline has already passed… but I’ll tell you what- I’m willing to re-open the application window, just for you guys. But you need to get your ass in a hurry and submit your video within the next couple of days.”

People were really pumped about that… with pretty much everyone telling me that they were going to apply.

Especially given that, there’s absolutely no downside. Putting together a video takes, literally minutes. Pull out phone. Press record. Talk. Upload.

Even including prep time to gather one’s thoughts, still not too much time. So the cost of applying is exceptionally low.

The potential benefit can be life changing. It’s all upside and no downside.

Unfortunately I know better than to expect everyone to execute on their commitment to apply. Human nature being what it is, I figured there might be 1 or 2 people who actually applied.

And that’s pretty much what happened.

It’s one thing to get excited about something and dream big about an outcome. It’s entirely another to take action.

Action is always the big difference maker.

There is an overwhelming abundance of opportunity in the world. I mean, it’s just mesmerizing. The sheer volume of abundance is incredible.

But it all requires taking some basic action. One step. Then another. Then another.

The hardest thing in the world sometimes is overcoming the inertia to take the first step.

Sir Isaac Newton told us in his first law of motion that an object at rest will remain at rest… and an object in motion will remain in motion… unless acted upon by an external force.

This external force is action. And it’s one of the most important factors which separates people who are successful from people who live in the world of what could have been.

If you ever feel like you’re stuck- be brutally honest with yourself: What ACTIONS are you really taking? The honest answer might be ‘none’.

Or if you are- do you actions truly conform to the outcome you’re trying to achieve? Do you have a clearly defined outcome?

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Join the Sovereign Academy’s Annual Entrepreneurship Camp

Each summer we gather top business and financial mentors, along with a hand-picked group of talented individuals who aspire to create value in the world, for five life-changing days at a lovely lakeside resort in Europe. This is our annual Blacksmith Entrepreneurship camp.

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