Testimonials Of Camp Attendees


Some of our attendees wanted to share their experience with you​

The summit was an incredible experience for me. Never before have I met so many like-minded and motivated people. It was more than one of those typical ‘YEAAAAH you can do it seminars.’ I learned real tools and steps of how to research an idea and present it to investors. I know what to do now. I am going to do it. I have the confidence I will succeed with the knowledge I got.

But even more important was the shift in my mind I experienced. I am thinking bigger and I see more opportunities now. It is possible for me to start BIG ideas and I know the steps how to go through with them.

Coming to this summit was one of the best decisions in my life so far.”

– Kim, Hong Kong

Attended the camp in 2015

“Being a part of the summit has enriched my life. Not only has receiving actionable, expert advice and guidance from the instructors been of immediate use upon my return home, but becoming friends with intellectually sound individuals from around the globe has enabled me to fully appreciate the importance of a quality network of like-minded individuals. This is the start of a new chapter in my life. My future is looking brighter by the day as I now have greater control of its direction.”

– L.W., England

Attended the camp in 2013

“Before coming to Blacksmith summit, I felt trapped in the mindset of: go to university, get a job, and work for forty years. I had the desire to strike out on my own but I lacked the knowledge and experience to take action. In four days, I met some of the greatest people of my life. People who are passionate, knowledgeable, creative, and freedom loving. Beyond that, I learned an absurd amount about marketing, getting into the mind of customers, designing companies, and presenting projects to potential investors. I learned more practical skills and important mental models in four days than in two years of university. Beyond all of this value, I left the summit with actionable information to turn the business our group developed into a real company. Absolutely amazing experience.

– Garri, USA

Attended the camp in 2014

“Two of the most important pieces of practical advice that I received at the summit were about direct response marketing and targeting the audience. I never heard of the direct response marketing technique and did not know that it could be so effective while being very cheap and easy at the same time.”

– Iryna, Belarus

Attended the camp in 2012

Awesome. Outstanding. Extraordinary. Those are just some of the words that could describe my time at the Blacksmith Camp. Unfortunately, the reality is that they barely describe the amount of positive energy that we got to see at the summit. Whether we are talking about the 50 young people from all over the world, the amazing place, the sports program, the food or the entrepreneurs – everything fitted together into one wonderful team, motivated to change the world for a better. If you are wondering about visiting the summit in 2017, but are scared of the expensive flight from overseas, do not hesitate for a moment to book your trip. Not for a moment.”

– Latchezar, Bulgaria

Attended the camp in 2014

“Participating in the Blacksmith summit was a really great experience. I met a lot of interesting people to share the ideas with, really enjoyed the inspiring lectures and discussions, and of course we had a lot of fun, sport activities and yoga classes!!!! So it was an informative, inspiring and memorable event…

– Julia, Italy

Attended the camp in 2015

“It really opened my views about business and also gave me a lot of new ideas but the most important thing was that it gave me a direction about what I want to do in the future.

– Parth, India

Attended the camp in 2017

“The place was amazing, the food was great, and we had a lot of fun. I’m glad I met really friendly, smart and motivated people, who have interesting ideas about what to do in their lives. The phrase that perhaps stuck in my head the strongest was “nobody owes you anything”, you have to do something to earn money.”

– Inga, Lithuania

Attended the camp in 2016

“The real value that I got from the summit was the opportunity to network with so many other people from around the world, who are fascinated by the same things I am. I think it’s so cool that several of these students are going back and actually starting the businesses that they developed while at the summit.”

– Josh L., USA

Attended the camp in 2018

“The Blacksmith Camp was just awesome. No exaggeration, really. For me it was one of the most informative events I’ve ever had, and quite exclusive. The things being discussed are truly important to know and quite exclusive.”

– Helen, Belarus

Attended the camp in 2011


We are still chatting with our attendees

This is one of the best things, it doesn’t matter which year you attend, you join an extensive alumni group. We’ve seen people that attended the camp in different years meeting around the world, becoming friends, doing business together, etc. And of course, we are always there to help them guide through anything they need, give advice, support or simply encourage and eventually congratulate on what was set and achieved.


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* All you will ever receive is updates about the camp, reminders for the application and infrequent blog posts.

  1. https://www.thedelidowntown.com/
  2. https://sovereignacademy.org/
  3. https://www.liminalflagstaff.org/
  4. https://kifunejo.com/